On this page I will show you how all of the pieces move.
The first piece is the pawn, it sits in front of all the other pieces until moved. It moves one or two squares forward on the first move and only one on all others.(With the exception of en passent, Click Here to go to my tips page.)
Next up the rook, it moves only horizontaly and verticaly as many squares as you want, but it can not jump over other pieces. (Except in castleing, you can to go to that tips page, there you will find explainations of all sorts of things with some tips too.)
The knight is next moveing in an L-shaped pattern and is the only piece able to jump over peices.(Unlike checkers the piece that is jumped over does stay on the board)
The bishop moves only on the diagonal, thus it is always on one color of square.
The queen sits on her own colour at the start and can move diagonaly, horizontaly, or verticaly so far as needed if no piece blocks her way.
The King moves the same way as the queen except it can move only one square at a time.(Except in castleing go to that page!!!!)