This symbol will appear in front of something you shouldn't do in your chess match.
This symbol apears when I am giving you a tip for something you should do.
Now you know my symbols you are ready to start with the most asked question. "How do I do En Passent?" All of my answers are in the Algebraic Notaition System. Now for En Passent you need to have a pawn on the fifth rank, or the one that is fifth from your side, and your opponent must try to sneak past you with one of the pawns on a file next to your pawn. Then you can caputure them as if they moved only one square.
Only pawns can do this and can only capture pawns with this technique. Now I can explain castleing to you. Castleing can protect your king and get a rook into the game. To castle you can not have any pieces between the king and the rook. You can not be in check, go into check, or go through check when castleing. When you castle you move the king two spaces closer to the rook, and put the rook on the other side of the king.
Never bring your Queen or your King out in the begining of the game without a very good reason. (i.e. you are in check and must move out, you see a possible checkmate, or some other good reason.)
The pawn can become another piece if it reaches the end and may only capture on the diagonal.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you should not move your pawns near the sides of the board until later in the game! These pawns can make a big problem!
Don't forget to play an aggressive game!!!! PleaseClick Here to go to my page that describes how all of the pieces move. HOME